We, of a certain age, have all grown up seeing our grandparents and now our own parents suffer. Aging seems cruel. It’s not just aches and pains, it’s serious. Loss of mobility. Expensive medications and their side effects. Endless, painful procedures and surgeries. Debilitating, chronic conditions. Dementia. Cancer. According to Harvard University’s David Sinclair, these are all related conditions that increase exponentially with aging, at least the way we know it. But what if we considered aging the real disease and those others as symptoms? What if we could slow down our rate of aging through methods suggested by the research of Sinclair or USC’s Valter Longo, so that we wouldn’t suffer unnecessarily during the last decades of our lives? There are changes we can make, starting today (!), that will improve how we age. The foods we eat, how often and with whom we eat, the amount and type of movement we engage in, how we limit stress, how well we sleep. These all have a powerful impact on how we age. We can age gracefully! Once we understand the mismatch between our current cultural habits and the ancient survival mechanisms built into our DNA, we can live, not just more years, but better, healthier years. That, is healthspan!